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Live your values


M A D E  W I T H  L O V E

A message that goes on every to-go dish

This is the story of how made with love came to be on every to-go dish. When I first started, I was doing everything, taking the order, making the dressings, prepping all the ingredients and making all the dishes. Quite spontaneously I started writing this on every to-go dish but then one day, I was rushed. I had like 6 customers - which was a lot when I started - and in a rush I grabbed a wrap that I just made and handed to the customer without the message. The crestfallen look on her face when I handed her the wrap stopped me in my tracks and then she looked at me very sweetly and said, so, this one isn't made with love? I immediately asked for the wrap back and wrote the message on it. In that moment, I knew, Made with Love would go on every dish for I saw first hand how every little thing you do can have a big impact. To be sure, the handwriting isn't the most beautiful or artistic but the message comes straight from the heart.


O R G A N I C S  &  G M O-F R E E

Making great food from the best ingredients

Its hard doing as much as we do with organics and goo-free ingredients. Margins are thinner and while everyone wants to eat better, not everyone can afford to make that commitment. We have always tried to offer the best at price that keeps our menu accessible to as many people as possible. We do that by making as much as we can in-house from our own original recipes. We make all our drinks, dressings, soups and most of snacks in-house.


B I O D E G R A D A B L E  & C O M P O S T I N G

We Compost and use only biodegradable to-go ware

We have been composting in our cafe since 2007 and have been using biodegradable to-go as soon as it was available. We do this for our communities and for our world and encourage everyone to find ways to make convenience biodegradable.

For information on composting in Mill Valley/Tam Valley contact the TCSD. In San Rafael contact Marin Sanitary.


S U P P O R T I N G  L O C A L  A R T &  

Showcasing 4 shows a year

Since opening we have showcased the work of local artists & photographers. We run about 4 shows a year or one each season.  If you are interested in showing you are welcome to contact us through our page. We'd love to hear from you.

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